Friday, May 30, 2008

New baby boy!

Well, we just purchased a new baby boy. Baby boy puppy that is. Before we moved to Pa, I used to breed dachshunds. I kept three of my girls and I had to give up the rest because we were not sure how many I could have in a residential area. My good friend Doreen, in NY breeds also and one of her girls just had these puppies on Memorial Day. I was mid-wife via the phone. I just could not resist this little guy. He looks like he is going to be a cream dapple. We are all so excited! I cannot wait until the day we get to move back out in the country and I can have more. Right now I will have 3 girls and a boy and can have a little breeding going on. Not til next year! He is so just a baby! I will post updated photos. Right now he looks like a little bunny rabbit. He is only a couple hours old in this photo.


Tes said...

To weird I just posted about our dog. My family has always loved dachshunds, unfortunately I feel in love with a big wolf looking thing. Keep posting pictures I love baby photos:)

Heather said...

Oh gosh, I am such a sucker for a puppy. I love everything about them :) I have a boxer that is almost a year old and she is a total brat, but we love her all the same

Tara said...

Oh how cute!!!!