Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Just a thought....................

Have you ever looked at a photo of your child and saw what he may of looked like without WS? I know that it is a funny question but I am sure that every parent has asked this. This photo to me, is the closest I ever have seen him without the WS features. I am not saying that I do not think that he is waaaaay adorable now. But, sometimes the thought has run through my mind. I always wondered what he will look like in heaven when I hold him. When he will be perfect with no more pain or anxiety . But, God made him special for the world now. He was sent to teach the world understanding and compassion. I look at the world and at my faith in a whole new light since he has entered our lives. I am so thankful for all my boys but I am so grateful that God blessed me with the gift of Angelo.


Noel said...

I have seen a couple of pictures of Abi that I don't see the WS near as much. I think the more kids with WS you meet the harder it is not to see WS in your own child's face.


Julie said...

I see WS more and more the older he gets. I have however imagined what he would be like without the WS. It is actually sad. Don't get me wrong I love him for who he is and I agree totally that God brought him to us this way to touch ours and others lives, but I know that there will be people that can't see that who may pity him or make fun of him. I guess they will be the ones we should really pity.

Laura said...

Michaela's WS features have definately become stronger with age. I, too, wonder what she would look like without WS.

Heather said...

Yeah, I know what you mean, and have wondered that myself. Except.. i didn't know it was WS until a little over a year ago. I was floored when I saw all these OTHER kids who looked like my boy! I just couldn't believe that Caleb had carbon copies out there! He thinks it's pretty cool! :)
I think Angelo is one handsome fella, WS or not. xoxo