We found out yesterday that Jeno has a slight thyroid problem. He is also 6 mos into puberty. They think that with both happening at the same time....He has the weight gain. They measured and it was mostly muscle mass. He has only grown 2 inches and has gained 30lbs???? in 6mos. The doctor said that he will get his growth at the end of his puberty sprout. My, gosh! I am signing him up for the NFL at the end of all of this! He has to go back in for a full blood work with fasting next week. They want to make sure that they are not missing anything. They are going to watch his thyroid because it keeps going overactive, than under active. In other words they have no idea what to do right now! Story of my life since the birth of Angelo. I just didn't think I would hit this one with a non-ws child. To put it all in a nut shell, they are doing blood work. If nothing shows up, "
SEE YA IN DECEMBER" for a follow up.
Now.......on to Angelo. I will have to say he did very well at the hospital. He did a lot of rocking and I had to assure him that this was
Jeno's Doctor Day! Not his! My only problem was that he was answering Jeno's questions. The doctor would ask Jeno if he got headaches and Angelo answered, "
Almost every day"! I had to hush him a lot, but over all it went well at the hospital. I wish that was all I could say about his behavior. The last two days have been a
nightmare. Every time I ask him to do something he says, "
NO"! and then proceeds to do just what he wants to do! He is hitting and name calling. Yesterday I was called a freak 4 times, a human being?? 3times (doesn't make sense but he puts a lot of meaning into it), a meat eater 2 times (he is into dinosaurs), and yes the horrible "Bitch" 1 time. Did you notice the bitch was only once! LOL!!!! We were in Rite Aid and he wanted a water gun. He followed me around. I would put it as harassing me in the store to buy this gun. I kept telling him no. Well.....He turned around and said, "Man, you are such a Bitch"! Oh,my gosh! I went into shock! For one thing, we do not talk like this in our home. Nor do we watch TV that would reflect that kind of language for him to hear. My 24 year old would not even swear in front of me! It is just a respect thing! I know where it came from.
"PLAYING WITH THE NEIGHBOR BOYS OUT BACK" That is for a whole different bog! Well, I dropped what I was doing, I told him we never say that word, EVER! and he was marched out to the car (with Jeno sneaking behind like he wasn't with us) Angelo was yelling and screaming as I put him in his seat and strapped on the seat belt. I didn't say a word. I just proceeded to get in my seat and drive. I was sure someone thought I was kidnapping him. This intense behavior has been going on for two days. That is why I was so surprised he was good at the hospital. I think he thought I was going to sneak a doc. visit on him. So, two fruit stands later ( had to get good fruit and veggies) and Angelo screaming all the way because I would not let him eat cherries and spit the seeds in the car, we finally got home. This went on and on until guess what saved me! The movie on the Disney Channel "Camp Rock" He has been waiting months to see it. At last I had some peace! I even recorded it for the future. I am so glad because he is watching it this morning.
Well, I am off to see what the day has to bring today! So far he is a little ray of sunshine. Hope to have a good and peaceful day. Ha! Ha!